Coyne Oil


“The life is so long it’s ridiculous.”
-Mark Coyne
When Coyne Oil executives decided to have the new disc brakes on one of their semi-trucks cryogenically processed, they didn’t know what to expect.
530,000 miles later and counting, the original rotors on the seven-axle propane trailer are still in fair condition.
Brake pads on four of the axles were replaced, but not well after 360,000 miles; the three lift axle pads are still the originals.
The Coynes are having ICE Cryogenics freeze three more trailers with plans for more, noting the long-term cost and time savings on labor and maintenance.
“Our mechanic is extremely impresses though and knows that it is outperforming trailers without it done,”
Coyne said. “We plan to treat any new trailers we buy in the future and highly recommend anyone considering it to do the same.”
The decision is a no-brainer for the Coynes after seeing the extended life and cost savings.
“It makes the brakes maintenance free,” Coyne said. “All we’ve basically had to do is inspections under there. The life is so long it’s ridiculous.”
We have a 7-axle propane trailer that we had the rotors and pads cryogenic treated for extended lift. This trailer now has over 530,000 miles on it with the original rotors still in fair condition. The pads on axles 3 and 6 were changed at 326,615 miles, axles 4 and 5 pads were changed at 380,493 and the 3 lift axles have the original brake pads”