E&S Graphics


“Our (wear parts) have reached levels never expected. Our downtime is minimal and it has saved us thousands,” -Nick Houghton, owner of E&S Graphics

Shepherd, Mich. —For a company that prides itself on eye-catching and fresh printed, cut and packaged material for its customers, appearance is everything.

That’s why for E & S Graphics it’s not just how long a blade lasts; it’s how sharp the cut is.

Nick Houghton, owner of the state-of-the-art prepress, printing, binding and mailing shop had
“wear parts” in his shop treated by ICE Cryogenics and the results were outstanding.

“The die cutting pins have reached levels never expected,” Houghton said. “Our downtime is minimal and it has saved us thousands of dollars in material costs,” Houghton said.

Those pins lasted five times longer than normal after ICE treatment, meaning machines are stopped five times less often for maintenance and replacement work.

Additionally, shear blades from the print shop that were cryogenically treated make cleaner, more precise cuts and have outlive their typical lifespan by three times.

“I would recommend the ICE process for any wear part,” Houghton said.